Here, I include show notes, and other extras, for certain episodes

Episode 4 - Key Components for a Healthy Life - A Focus for 2024


Mayo Clinic: Water: How much should you drink every day?

Harvard Health Publishing; Mind and Mood - Are toxins flushed out of the brain during sleep?

Books referenced:

“Why We Sleep”, Matthew Walker. Penguin Books, 2018;

“Breathe”, Dr. Belisa Vranic. St. Martin’s Griffin, New York. 2016

“The Blue Zones: 9 Lessons for Living Longer from the People Who've Lived the Longest”, Dan Buettner. National Geographic Society, 2012 (2nd Ed).

Scenes from Episode 8 - On “Taking Off Your Shoes”…

Here, I share a video clip and some pictures from our day on McNab’s Island, Nova Scotia.